
Five Sunday Favourites #1

1. Un diario que podrás usar durante años. Se trata de escribir una sola frase que represente lo más significativo que has hecho ese día. Cool, right?
found here

2. Un adorno DIY para la puerta de casa, a qué es mono?
found here

3.Esto tiene de pinta de regalito para alguien. Quién puede neceistarlo? Alguien que escriba mucho?
Ranger '55'  Pencil Sharpener
found here

4. Loving Anthropologie design for home
found here

5. Deliciosas!!!
blueberry muffins, craggy tops
found here

Are you happy?

12 pasos para subir el ánimo ;)
  1. Sé agradecida con los que te rodean y con los que ves ocasionalmente.
  2. Cultiva el optimismo. Mira el lado bueno de las cosas.
  3. Evita pensar demasiado. Cuando estás angustiado, pensar sólo empeora las cosas.
  4. Sé amable. Ayudar a los demás nos distrae de nuestros problemas.
  5. Cuida tus relaciones. Dedica tiempo a tus seres queridos.
  6. Aprende a perdonar.
  7. Fluye más.
  8. Saborea las alegrías de la vida. Vive el momento siendo consciente de él.
  9. Comprométete con tus objetivos.
  10. Practica la religión o la espiritualidad. Ayuda a encontrar sentido a la vida.
  11. Ocúpate de tu cuerpo y de tu alma. Medita, haz ejercicio, actúa como una persona feliz!
  12. Sonríe y ríe!

Fácil, no? Pues, seamos felices!

Feliz domingo ;)


Monday, again!

Un poco de positividad para empezar la semana con fuerza!


New Journal

Hi! Last thursday was my friend Anahí's birthday and I made her a red journal , as this is her favourite colour. It turned out like that:

Have a nice sunday!


Welcome November

Y llegó noviembre... aunque no el otoño. Weird, right?

Teóricamente, estamos en pleno otoño pero las hojas no caen, el sol sigue calentando, los abrigos esperan ser desempolvados, el armario de verano se mezcla con el de invierno caóticamente.

Quiero un otoño en el que no suceda todo lo anterior. Quiero contemplar una hoja caer, sentarme al sol con la chaquetita puesta, desempolvar mis abrigos divisando el invierno en el horizonte, definir mi armario como "armario de invierno", tomar un té y no decir "uy, quema", decir "que calentitooo" :)

Hubiera querido acabar el post con una preciosa foto otoñal de mi cosecha pero... Os dejo con esta:

Feliz noviembre!


Wedding Wednesday

Yes, I know today is just monday but I have a lot of news to share so I'll do it in different posts. Today's post is about wedding bands. Why is it so complicated to pick one?

I have been checking some sites and all I have been able to find is this:1. Diamonds 2. Simple 3. Graved

Does that mean that I have to pick my style among those three? What if I don't like none of them? What if the one I like is so expensive that I cannot afford it? What if... Can I stop saying what if?

Does my ring have to match his in material or style? Do we have to agree on what we want to put on our fingers for the rest of our lives or is it better that each one of us pick what one likes?

I'm in trouble. My head is a completely mess. I don't even know what I like. Too much information, maybe.

I should take it easy.

Do you want to help? Tell me which style you like the most :)

Have a nice monday!


Back to school

When I hear those three words, I can't help getting nervous. I think it's exciting in some way: new teachers, new school bag, new notebooks, new class, new books... everything is new! Is there something more exciting than using new stuff? I just love that word and hearing it makes me shiver of excitement.

However, for me to get to start saying "my new whatever", I have to pass my Ús Comparat exam on wednesday. I know some classmates started studying in July but I don't think that subject is such a difficult one to be studying for two months. My only problem is the spelling and, yes, I've been working on it my way: reading a lot in catalan. And now it's when I study all the theory. I think I'll do good. I'm confident.

Anyway, going back to the new stuff. If any of you wants to have a new notebook with your name or the name of the subject you're gonna use it for, let me know and I'll make one for you. You can contact me by email or by facebook and have a unique notebook like the one I made for myself, can you guess the subject I used it for?

Have a nice monday!



This summer I've been reading a lot. I'm suprised myself :O I have to say that I had almost nothing else to do and I didn't want to waste my time.

These are the books I have read:

- La mecànica del cor (in catalan but you can also find it in English or French)
- Les frasques d'Ebinto (in French)
- Zeitoun (in English)
And I have just ordered at Amazon. com Eat, Pray, Love because I want to read it before watching the movie.

One last thing I wanted to tell you is that you can have a look at issue 4 of Papier Mache magazine, it's already published!



Delicioso! Queda esponjoso y buenísimo, mirar qué pinta:

Aquí os paso la receta para que os pongáis manos a la masa ;)

200gr mantequilla
200gr chocolate para fundir
4 huevos
300gr azúcar
50gr almendra molida
50gr harina
80gr nueces picadas

1. Precalentar el horno a 180º y huntar el molde con mantequilla
2. Fundir en un cazo a fuego lento el chocolate y la mantequilla
3. Añadir el azúcar y remover
4. Dejar reposar 5 minutos
5. En un bol, batir los huevos, añadirles la mezcla y remover de nuevo
6. Añadir las almedras y la harina
7. Añadir las nueces
8. Mezclar bien y ponerlo la masa en el molde
9. Horno durante 30-35 minutos

Y ahora, a disfrutarlo!

Wedding Wednesday

Hi, all!

I feel sweet-tooth today so... I've been looking for wedding cakes.

First of all, I have to say that I have found some nice wedding blogs that I'll share with you very soon because today I'm gonna introduce you only one: Style Me Pretty. It's the perfect inspiration for your wedding! Me, I went straight to the "cakes" category and found a few that I liked:
However, the one I like the most for the moment is this one:
Isn't it the cutest? I have to be honest, I have it in my "Wed-Journal" but I don't remember where I found it. My old computer passed away and with him all the sites I had bookmarked. So, if anyone knows where I found it, please, tell me.

Going through all those delicious cakes has make me want to bake my own: my first brownie! I'll let you all know how it turns out.

Have a nice day!


Recently Bookmarked

For the past daysI have jumped from blog to blog and I have discovered very nice bloggs/sites that I've bookmarked. Today I wanna share them with you.

I have classified them according to the topic. Here they are:

- Food
Diana's Desserts
Uno de dos
Cheeky Kitchen

- Craft
Travelling Mama
Sheila Scraps
Floating on cloud9

I have to say that some of them are in Spanish...

Have a nice Sunday everyone!

July 31st 2010

One of the saddest days ever.
Prometo encender en tu día especial una vela.


A new Journal

I'm not really busy these days so I take my time to finish projects. This is the last one I've finished: a journal.
I have started to make some others that I think I'll finished next week, and then I'll show them to you.

A lot of people is encouraging me to have my own online shop and I have to say that I'm thinking about it. It isn't a bad idea. I have no job right now so it could be a good way to earn some money. Thinking, thinking, seriously thinking about it.

Have a nice thursday!


Going back to the craft world :)

My mum's boss has become a grandpa and she has bought something for the babygirl but she needed a card, so I made it.

For the past days I've been feeling lazy. I have a lot of projects in mind but I don't feel like making them. My mind is continuously working and maybe that's what make me feel tired. My life is changing in an unexpected way: I accept it but I have to get used to it. As a solution, I'm going to take up my yoga classes again. I'll be starting in a few days and going twice a week. I'm excited, I just love to do yoga.

I just can say...

Do yoga, my friend!


Online magazines

I also wanted to share with you a couple of online magazine I found surfing on the net:

- ByFryd

- Sweet Paul Magazine

Proyectos en mente

Muchos días sin bloggear? Lo sé. Después de mis exámenes (todos aprobados, yay!), he pasado todo el tiempo posible con V. Hemos reído, llorado, gritado, echado siestas interminables, nadado, comido, paseado y arreglado cosas para la boda (ya tenemos fotógrafo!).

Cómo se presenta el verano? Pues, triste: no voy a poder pasarlo con V. He empezado a buscar trabajo, a ver si sale algo... pero tengo muchos proyectos en mente porque que haya estado sin escribir no quiere decir que haya dejado de visitar mis blogs preferidos en busca de inspiración. Os gustan los cojines? Parece que es lo que más me apetece hacer en estos momentos (quizás para decorar our new apartment).

En The Red Thread he encontrado estos pajaritos que si les das la vuelta bien pueden servir de almohada con su huequecito para el hombro para los que dormimos de lado.
Tenía más de otros blogs pero he perdido los enlaces. Cuando los encuentre, los subo. I promise!

Y si me lanzo a hacer alguno, os los enseñaré orgullosísima :)

Feliz semana!


Graduation Weekend

As I promised, I'm gonna upload some of the pictures we took last weekend.

Friday ended better that I could imagine. There was an All-Nite Party in Kettering University. So funny! Among all the things they prepared, this one was the one that V enjoyed the most.
but they also had a foam-pool, card games, ping-pong and fear factor.

Saturday was the big day. The day V has been waiting for for years: his graduation! I'm so so so proud of him.

We took a picture with professor Davis: a very nice man and better professor.Here you can see the five of us. I love those kids.
And finally, Mr Lorou and his future wife ;) whose happiness you can see in their smiles.

* * *

One more thing to say, I have new materials (new fabrics and ribbons) that I can't wait to use. As soon as my exams are over, I will start sewing, designing, creating... I'm inspired and writing down all my ideas in my super notebook.

* * *

Have a nice week!


Busy girl!

I've been very busy for the past days. I'm busy now; I just took a break to blog. I'll be busy for the following days.

Nowadays, my word is "busy". But better busy than bored!

I'm just taking a break: everybody needs a break. This one is going to be a little longer. When I upload this, I'll go to the mall. I need to buy a few things before I fly next week.

By the way, I'll be going to Flint for V's graduation, but just for four days (I can't miss more days of class, exams are round the corner...). I will show you some pics when I come back, promise!

I'm missing creating; I can't wait to be done with the term. My sewing machine works now so I have to use i, don't you think? Lots of projects in mind!

I'll be blogging regularly after my exams. Until then, enjoy life, enjoy sunny spring!


Wedding Wednesday!

O "Wedding Thursday"? Por problemillas técnicos no pude subir ayer el mini-post que tenía preparado pero ahí va:

Hoy va de ramos:
- Estos dos son de Brooch Bouquets:
- Este otro es de Princess Lasertron:

- Y este otro de Vintage+Chic:
De momento esto es todo :)

Feliz semana!


Bye labtop :(

My Macbook Pro died a few days ago. Sad, so sad. I hope I haven't lost all my docs, pictures, projects... Fingers crossed.

Anyway, two solutions: buying another one or having the old one fixed.

I'll be back as soon as possible.

Have a nice week!



Este cuadro es una descripción gráfica de la esencia de mi hermana. Se lo regalé para su cumpleaños y le gustó mucho :)Yo no quedé demasiado satisfecha con el resutado. El problema fue que no encontré marcos con más profundidad así que tuve que simplificar la idea original. Pero todos los males fueran ésos!

En fin, es mi hora de comer porque tengo clase muy pronto hoy. Me he preparado una ensalada de lentejas con zanahoria, cebolla, tomates cherry y queso de cabra aliñada con aceite, vinagre de módena y sal. Deliciosa!

Ya estamos a mitad de semana! Feliz miércoles!


Snapshots of my weekend: 07-09 Mayo

M's surprise dinner · Festes de Maig de Badalona 2010 · Barcelona · Daniela in Barcelona
I had great time yesterday afternoon with Daniela, her boyfriend and Gus. I enjoyed meeing you guys! See you soon!

Have a nice week!


I've turned 27!

Last thursday was my birthday, I'm starting the 27th year of my life. I didn't do anything special, I stayed at home, I blowed the candles, I ate the cake and I opened the gifts. Simple birthday.

As for the gifts, my sis gave me a "selfish teapot"
my parents a book and clothes
and V a brown leather bag and my Sant Jordi's book.
I wrote a list for my 27th year but I haven't done anything yet because that year actually starts on May 6th, so there I go! This is my list:

1. Find a job
2. Pass all subjects
3. Visit 3 cities where I've never been
4. Read 3 books, for pleasure not for the school
5. Scrapbook once a month at least
6. Visit Colón tower in BCN
7. Go to a museum at least every two months
8. Attend to Chinese classes in order to reach level 3
9. Go to 2 concerts
10. Design my own website/portfolio
11. Be in shape
12. Remember all my girlfriends birthdays
13. Go to a FCB soccer game
14. Bake bread
15. Attend a course on desserts
16. Do something that scares me
17. Discover 3 new restaurants
18. Take the "bus turístic"
19. Go to London
20. Make 3 new friends
21. Give all the clothes that I haven't worn lately
22. Find the perfect restaurant
23. Watch 3 black and white movies
24. Go 5 times to the cinema
25. Sing in a karaoke
26. Go back to my yoga classes
27. Lern how to use my new Canon SX20 IS

I'll do my best to finish it all.

Happy weekend!


Wedding Wednesday!

Bueno, bueno... he tenido que contratar a una ayudante: mi madre ;D Está de baja por que le han operado de un bultito que tenía en la palma de la mano pero le queda la otra mano libre y, además, está que se sube por las paredes del aburrimiento. Acostumbrada a no parar en todo el día... Bien, ella será la que llame para pedir presupuestos/precios, sólo tengo que dejarle apuntado los números de teléfono.

Ahora, necesito vuestra ayuda. Quiero utilizar unos marcos de foto, como para fotos de carnet, de este estilo pero en color plata
y no sé donde encontrarlos, ¿alguna idea? Necesito unos 80 y no importa si no són todos con el mismo grabado.

Gracias y feliz miércoles!

Snapshots of my weekend: 30Abril - 02Mayo

Mum's Birthday + Drawings at the theatre + Lunch at "La Taula" + Sis's Birthday