
Back to school

When I hear those three words, I can't help getting nervous. I think it's exciting in some way: new teachers, new school bag, new notebooks, new class, new books... everything is new! Is there something more exciting than using new stuff? I just love that word and hearing it makes me shiver of excitement.

However, for me to get to start saying "my new whatever", I have to pass my Ús Comparat exam on wednesday. I know some classmates started studying in July but I don't think that subject is such a difficult one to be studying for two months. My only problem is the spelling and, yes, I've been working on it my way: reading a lot in catalan. And now it's when I study all the theory. I think I'll do good. I'm confident.

Anyway, going back to the new stuff. If any of you wants to have a new notebook with your name or the name of the subject you're gonna use it for, let me know and I'll make one for you. You can contact me by email or by facebook and have a unique notebook like the one I made for myself, can you guess the subject I used it for?

Have a nice monday!



This summer I've been reading a lot. I'm suprised myself :O I have to say that I had almost nothing else to do and I didn't want to waste my time.

These are the books I have read:

- La mecànica del cor (in catalan but you can also find it in English or French)
- Les frasques d'Ebinto (in French)
- Zeitoun (in English)
And I have just ordered at Amazon. com Eat, Pray, Love because I want to read it before watching the movie.

One last thing I wanted to tell you is that you can have a look at issue 4 of Papier Mache magazine, it's already published!



Delicioso! Queda esponjoso y buenísimo, mirar qué pinta:

Aquí os paso la receta para que os pongáis manos a la masa ;)

200gr mantequilla
200gr chocolate para fundir
4 huevos
300gr azúcar
50gr almendra molida
50gr harina
80gr nueces picadas

1. Precalentar el horno a 180º y huntar el molde con mantequilla
2. Fundir en un cazo a fuego lento el chocolate y la mantequilla
3. Añadir el azúcar y remover
4. Dejar reposar 5 minutos
5. En un bol, batir los huevos, añadirles la mezcla y remover de nuevo
6. Añadir las almedras y la harina
7. Añadir las nueces
8. Mezclar bien y ponerlo la masa en el molde
9. Horno durante 30-35 minutos

Y ahora, a disfrutarlo!

Wedding Wednesday

Hi, all!

I feel sweet-tooth today so... I've been looking for wedding cakes.

First of all, I have to say that I have found some nice wedding blogs that I'll share with you very soon because today I'm gonna introduce you only one: Style Me Pretty. It's the perfect inspiration for your wedding! Me, I went straight to the "cakes" category and found a few that I liked:
However, the one I like the most for the moment is this one:
Isn't it the cutest? I have to be honest, I have it in my "Wed-Journal" but I don't remember where I found it. My old computer passed away and with him all the sites I had bookmarked. So, if anyone knows where I found it, please, tell me.

Going through all those delicious cakes has make me want to bake my own: my first brownie! I'll let you all know how it turns out.

Have a nice day!


Recently Bookmarked

For the past daysI have jumped from blog to blog and I have discovered very nice bloggs/sites that I've bookmarked. Today I wanna share them with you.

I have classified them according to the topic. Here they are:

- Food
Diana's Desserts
Uno de dos
Cheeky Kitchen

- Craft
Travelling Mama
Sheila Scraps
Floating on cloud9

I have to say that some of them are in Spanish...

Have a nice Sunday everyone!

July 31st 2010

One of the saddest days ever.
Prometo encender en tu día especial una vela.