
2012 goals

Since setting a lot of goals stresses me out and I end up doing nothing, I have decided my goals to be kinda flexible. Let me explain myself.
Last year I wrote a list of 28 things to do during my 28th year. 28 things? These are too many things to accomplish and four months later I decided not to follow my own list. All those goals overwhelmed me.
So, as a solution, I have decided to reduce that list to 3 big goals. It looks way easier to me, having in mind that I am still a student and a momma-to-be.
The first one is called “12 months -> 12 projects”. The last week of every month I will come up with a new project for the following month and I will post the previous one finished. The January project will be sewing a quilt for my baby girl. I have to say that I have never done a quilt before so it is also a challenge for me. I have been reading several blogs of quilting women and I think I know how it works. We will see how it will turn out. This does not mean that I will not create anything else apart from those 12 big projects, I will, I promise I will. 
The second one is related to “Sew Yellow”, the brand that I started with my friend Maria. More info on that very soon.
And, the third goal will be posting regularly. I must create a habit because when I update my blog I feel happy and good and it really makes me smile. 

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