
// Smile //

Last week I couldn't post my reason to SMILE for the previous week but I did have one. It was my father's birthday and we went to a restaurant to have lunch. He was really happy that day and his happiness rubbed off on us that much that on our way to the car we took some silly pictures...

This weeks SMILE was caused by the fact that our baby girl's nose is going to look just like her father's. The doctor did another ultrasound and we could clearly see it. It was sooo cool! I can't wait to see her again. Sorry, but I'm not posting any picture of our baby until she's born, that's how we decided it to be, I hope you understand. 

Excited to see what makes me SMILE this week!


Some kind of change

A change in my body (growing belly)
A change in my style (new glasses)


// Smile //

[Picture in process… Georgina took it, just waiting for her to send it to me]

Those girls in the picture above are the ones that made me SMILE last week. The picture was taken almost 10 years ago in one of our trips around Europe.
We met at the Fashion School, we had just finished “bachillerato” (high school) and were anxious, happy, shy, excited, nervous to start something new, something that we had chosen.
We were the youngest students in the class, and we became pretty close friends until now. Although each one of us has her own life -some of us are married, some others live with their “chicos”, some of us work, some other not-, we always find time to meet for a coffee or dinner or any other plan.
The reason to meet this time was that one of us, Georgina, was leaving to Brisbane, Australia, in a couple of days and she doesn’t have plans to come back to crazy Spain. She has been planning it for a year and she is ready to go!
Spending time with them means chatting, laughing, remembering, helping each other, thinking about trips… and always SMILE. 

12 months -> 12 projects

Yesterday I worked on my project: a quilt for Allison. I have already all of the pieces for the back and front and the next step will be sewing. I'm so excited that I'm going to finish it on time!

I'm also working on a little softie for Sew Yellow. It's a car and it just needs some sewing too. I'll do it all at once. Whenever it's available on the shop, I'll let you know. 

Have a nice week!


// Smile //

I had a lot of reasons to SMILE last week but the one that I felt the most was the one you can see represented in that picture.
He opened his Reyes gifts with the excitement and innocence of a kid and I loved it. That’s the way gifts should be unwrapped. He really wanted to get that F. C. Barcelona T-shirt and his face mirrored it.
Some other moments that made me SMILE were watching Valéry feeling Allison’s kicks, meeting Cristina and Germán for lunch, watching Maya playing in the sand, spending Reyes’ eve in the theatre putting smiles on children’s faces or unwrapping my own gifts. But the most important moment was spending the whole week with my husband after three months of being apart: I really missed him.
Let’s see what moments this new week brings.


2012 goals

Since setting a lot of goals stresses me out and I end up doing nothing, I have decided my goals to be kinda flexible. Let me explain myself.
Last year I wrote a list of 28 things to do during my 28th year. 28 things? These are too many things to accomplish and four months later I decided not to follow my own list. All those goals overwhelmed me.
So, as a solution, I have decided to reduce that list to 3 big goals. It looks way easier to me, having in mind that I am still a student and a momma-to-be.
The first one is called “12 months -> 12 projects”. The last week of every month I will come up with a new project for the following month and I will post the previous one finished. The January project will be sewing a quilt for my baby girl. I have to say that I have never done a quilt before so it is also a challenge for me. I have been reading several blogs of quilting women and I think I know how it works. We will see how it will turn out. This does not mean that I will not create anything else apart from those 12 big projects, I will, I promise I will. 
The second one is related to “Sew Yellow”, the brand that I started with my friend Maria. More info on that very soon.
And, the third goal will be posting regularly. I must create a habit because when I update my blog I feel happy and good and it really makes me smile. 


My word for 2012: SMILE


While working on a project, this word attracted my attention and I knew that it could guide me through 2012. I am going to have a lot of reasons to smile this year and to be thankful for, so this is my word.
I’ll be posting those reasons weekly, since posting regularly is one of my goals this year for my blog.
Has anybody chosen a word for 2012?


2011 vs 2012

2011 fue el año en que…
…pasamos nuestras primeras navidades en Lake Jackson
…comí por primera vez en un restaurante griego
…preparé con emoción e ilusión todos los detalles de nuestra boda
…hice algunos cambios para mejor en mi habitación
…me prepararon dos despedidas de soltera
…aprobé tercero con las mejores notas de toda la carrera         
…conocí a mis suegros
…pasamos un único día en Paris
…conocí a amigos de la infancia de Valéry
…me casé con el vestido más caro y precioso que he comprado
…nos fuimos de luna de miel a Las Vegas
…nos prepararon una “wedding shower
…empezamos a decorar nuestro apartamento
…monté un escritorio de Ikea yo sola
…compré mi primera taza de Anthropologie
…cenamos en un restaurante de renombre “Killen’s Steakhouse”
…me quedé embarazada
…volví a España de un día para otro
…asistí a dos bodas a parte de la mía
…empecé cuarto curso
…fui a Madrid con mis padres por la boda de mi primo
…fui a una cena ambientada en Halloween “made in Nieves”
…me hicieron una primera ecografía
…me volví a cortar el pelo
…empecé un negocio con Maria
…compré figuritas de belén para montar el nuestro en EE.UU.
…grabamos un vídeo para Marta, roomie de Cristina
…me hicieron una segunda ecografía
…supimos que tendríamos una niña 
...Valéry vino a pasar las Navidades a España con sus dos princesas
…decidimos el nombre de nuestra hija: Allison
2012 será el año en que…
…retomaré mis clases de yoga
…seré mamá
Allison llegará a este mundo
…acabaré la carrera
…obtendré mi “Green Card”
…empezaré una nueva vida en EE.UU. con mi marido y mi hija
…nos mudaremos a un apartamento de dos habitaciones
…decoraré el nuevo apartamento
…me sacaré el carné de conducir
…celebraremos nuestras primeras Navidades con Allison
…no me faltarán motivos para sonreír