
Amigo Invisible

At work, every year for Christmas we do the "Amigo Invisible". We all participate so somebody puts all of our names in a bag and each one of us pick one paper with the name of the person that they have to give a little gift. 

And today is the day. We have to bring the gifts and after classes we will open them and try to guess who has given it to us. 

This what I got for my "amigo": 

I got one for me too because I loved the quote, mine is the red one. 

I hope he likes it :)


Back to the blog world

It's been a long time since I last posted, a whole season to be precise. But, I have to say that, as I announced in the previous post, fall makes my creativity flow and I'm going to prove it to you. 

First of all, I finished my Fall Minibook. Here are some of the pages:
This is the first time I decided to do something on a daily basis and I succeed. Just to make sure it hasn't been something temporary, I'm going to start a Winter one. I haven't bought it at Elise's shop like the Fall Minibook, I had some Christmas and winter look patterned papers and I'm going to assemble it myself, let's see if it works... 
My purpose is to document a whole year using four minibooks. So, three to go :)

Apart from that, I have had an idea for a while in my mind now. Valery wanted me to do it by myself when I definitely moved to the US but I need somebody to tell me: "hey, this needs to be done by friday!"So I called my friend Maria, I explained to her my idea and she loved it! She actually had that too but she also needed somebody else, ha! 

So, a couple of weeks later we started this:
Right now we are in the "making stuff phase", we are going to start uploading pictures on our page in Facebook and trying to sale it to retailers. 

Busy like crazy at this moment but I'm going to make it, definitely! I'm motivated and excited. 

World, there we go!

P.S.: Another tiny big announcement will be made soon :)


Fall, Fall, Fall?

I got up this morning and... surprise! The sky was all grey, it was cold and windy! 
What does that mean? What is that sky bringing? Is Fall coming back? 

Quick Update

Lately, I have been working on the Fall MiniBook that I bought at Elise's shop. Here is the first page, more on that this weekend. 

I have also finished the CD and Thank You cards for all the friends and relatives that came to our wedding, they should be receiving that by now. 

And I have also started our mini honeymoon album...

I'm totally busy with my classes and work that I can hardly focus on my hobbies. Anyway, I always find a little bit of time to work on it. 
Oh, quick update on the previous post. It looks like Fall went back to where he was before appearing a few weeks ago... it's sunny and hot all day long :(


Finally here!

Yesterday it finally arrived :) 
Happiness and inspiration all around.

Today, it is raining. Light rain. Fresh and clean air. Umbrellas against the sky. Rain boots playing on puddles. Jackets and cardigans out of the closets. Happy faces.

Enjoy Fall!


Waiting for you, Fall

Yes, I can't wait for the summer to finish! I'm a bit tired of it. I want to go for a walk and say: "oh, it's chilly outside, let's wear a cute cardigan". 

I confess I'm a fan of Fall, of watching leaves falling off the trees, of wearing long sleeve, of the smell in the streets after a rainy day, of using new books, of starting new classes...

This is going to be a special Fall for me. It's going to be my last Fall in Spain for a long time, I guess. And I'm excited because a friend told me that Fall is even more amazing there in the US, changes are more obvious and nice. Can't wait to live that! (of course, my friend loves Fall too ;)

I haven't post for a while, but I'll post more during Fall, it's way more inspiring to me!


Wedding Wednesday

I want to share with you some details of my wedding, little things that one cannot appreciate in regular pictures. All of the pictures were taken by friends and relatives.

Related to me, the bride

Related to the wedding


Wedding Wednesday

(on Tuesday, I couldn't wait any longer)

And the big day arrived. July 9, 2011. We got married!

It was a wonderful day that we enjoyed until the end. Our family and friends were there supporting us on that big step we were about to make. And we did it. And it was great. And we are now living together in Texas.

This is the step by step of that day (pictures taken by my friends and relatives):


* Following the Spanish tradition, the Best Man came to my parents' place and read something nice to me before giving me the bouquet.

* The priest was a friend of mine, he let us pick everything for the ceremony and apart from that he wrote our story in a poem, the longest and nicest poem I have ever read. Thank you so much, Manel!

* It may be weird but nobody took pictures during the dance... I'll post some when I received the official ones :)


Five Sunday Favourites #7

Today's five are all from J. Crew:

1. I have just fallen in love with this sweater

2. Thinking about buying it to wear it in my cousin's wedding

3. Nice shorts

4. Sweet shoes!

5. I love love love this cardigan! It has to be mine!


Wedding Wednesday

Here you are the final wedding invitations. We have already given them to all our guests so now I can proudly show them to you. They are 100% handmade: designed, trimmed, sewn, cut, and printed at home.

We made the invitation itself, a map to get to the place, and a card with our contact information.

The text was printed on onion skin paper, and hand sewn to lace fabric (similar to the one used to make my dress) with green embroidery yarn.

We also sent a "Save The Date", but we did it by email. Here is how it looked:

The countdown starts today: 10 days to the Big Day :)

Have a nice Wednesday!!!


Back to the real world

I finished my exams last Thursday, and that means that I'm officially on HOLIDAYS! Yay! I needed them to arrive so bad, it has been a hard year. Honestly I have to say that these last five exams are the first ones that I feel I am going to pass since I started my studies, cool, but weird, maybe I'm becoming more optimistic, maybe it's just the wedding air that surrounds me that makes me feel like that. Who nows?

Ok, what to do now? Definitely, focus on the wedding. Some things are not done yet... 

Like what? Like the kits I want to make for the kids coming to the wedding for them not to get bored. They always finished their food faster than adults so I think that having on their table some drawing, creative kits would be perfect. I am sewing a bag for each of them with some supplies and putting together some paper, glue, crayons, pencils, drawing and blank paper, among other fun stuff.

I also have to go buy some bubble soap and order the petals our guests are going to throw to us when we get out of the church, finish the favours (this will be done three days before the wedding because we don't want chocolate to melt :), and right now I cannot think of anyhing else, but I'm sure I am missing something...

Anyway, I have to go back to my sewing machine. 

Have a nice sunday everyone!


Hey, give me a break!

It's so funny when she says that, oh, I should have added: by Janet DeCesaris. But that is what I really need right now. I'm super busy, nervous, stressed out. Totally overwhelmed.

The term is going to an end in both the university and the school, and that means that I have plenty things to do: tones of homework, preparing the kids' play, organising all the P3 worksheet of two terms...

On top of that, I'm still preparing my wedding. Yep, I haven't got married yet, but I wish I had. All these final decisions are driving me crazy, it is now when I need him the most because he could be in charge of all the wedding stuff and I could concentrate on my studies and work, only (notice my irony in that only).

Anyway, what I wanted to say with all this bla bla is that I'll be out for a while, maybe until I'm done with finals. So, until then, enjoy life and be happy!

(of course, you don't wanna see my bedroom right now, it's a complete mess :S)


Xmas Journal

Yesterday I was reading the blogs (listed in my Daily Read page) and I decided to start puttig together the Xmas Journal.

It was Elise who encouraged me to do it, I watch her video and I think she is very inspiring and you can tell that she loves what she does.

Well, I don't have a mini book like hers but I have a journal I made almost a year ago and I'm going to use it. The pages are white pages of different sizes and some of them with lines or squares, just regular paper from old notebooks.

These are the pictures of the pages I have completed:

I will work on the front page when I finish the journal. I think I will embroider it. Any other suggestions?


Birthday #28

Last friday I said goodbye to my 27th year. Welcome #28! I started the day in Starbucks
and finished at home with my family

It was a very happy day. Usually on my birthdays I don't feel excited, happy, positive... totally the opposite. But this time it was different and I can't say why. I can't find the reason why I was in such a good mood. I have to confess that all that happiness made me cry at night (but don't tell Bi Zan, he says I cry for everything:). Have you ever cried of happiness? It's good and after crying I slept like a baby.

Today, it was time for me to check my "27 things to do before my 28th birthday" and it has been a complete disaster. I have only accomplished 11 out of 27. Buuuh, bad, very bad! Last year was a tough one... Anyway I'm going to try it again. I'm going to write my "28 things to do before my 29th birthday". There it goes:

1. Take a selfie each month
2. Go to cooking classes
3. Visit 3 new cities
4. Find translation internships
5. Study chinese online
6. Make mini-albums regularly
7. Eat "bravas" every month, take a picture and grade them
8. Take the "Bus Turístic"
9. Visit "Casa Batlló"
10. Participate in any craft workshop
11. Knit a scarf
12. Learn how to use my new Mini Diana
13. Make something following the patchwork technique
14. Pass this year in July
15. Go to the gym at least once a week
16. Cook 12 different pasta dishes
17. Participate in a contest
18. Visit the "Torre de Colón"
19. Have our perfect wedding
20. Make three new friends
21. Pass the B1 French exam
22. Read 5 books
23. Watch 6 movies in the theatre
24. Change my bedroom/studio
25. Learn to swim
26. Post a tutorial of my own in this blog
27. Decorate our apartment
28. Accomplish every single number of this list :)

I think I should wish myself good luck, it's a very long list...

Have a nice week everyone!


Cambios II

El cambio más importante está hecho y, la verdad es que se ve bastante más despejada :)

Todavía quiero hacer algunos pequeños cambios que le darán otro aire a la habitación. Quiero pintar el marco de las fotos de otro color y el del espejo también, quiero poner un colgador detrás de la puerta para los pañuelos y las bufandas, cambiar los cuadros de la pared de la cama, poner cortinas y una alfombra, cambiar las lámparas, la silla y los tiradores de los cajones.

Cuando todo vaya cogiendo otro color, ya subiré más fotos.

(¿Debería decorar también el maniquí? Esta un poco soso, don't you think?;)