Como estos últimos días no puedo hacer mucha cosa, subo unas ladies que hice hace un tiempo. La de la derecha ahora pertenece a Violeta, la hija de una amiga, y la de la izquierda vive con Eva, esta lady se mudó el día que hicimos el amigo invisible las Navidades pasadas.
Japanese Bookbinding
Esta tarde he hecho un curso de encuadernación japonesa en Duduá con la profesora Helene Grenvin. Nos ha enseñado dos tipos de cosidos diferentes: el jotsume toji (la libreta verde) y el asa-no-ha toji (libreta azul). Ha sido muy interesante, creo que éste va a ser el inicio de una bonita amistad :D
En el curso, había una diseñadora de complementos. He visitado su blog y me ha encantado! Nadia, me gusta mucho lo que haces. He visto que vendes en Baum,conozco a una chica que también vende allí... quizás la conozcas y sea de eso que nos suenan nuestras caras :D
En el curso, había una diseñadora de complementos. He visitado su blog y me ha encantado! Nadia, me gusta mucho lo que haces. He visto que vendes en Baum,conozco a una chica que también vende allí... quizás la conozcas y sea de eso que nos suenan nuestras caras :D
Rest In Peace
You'll never be forgotten, your music will be with us forever. That's all I can say.
ExamsExamsExams "Yes I can!"
Yes, I'm very nervous! Tomorrow I'll take my first final exam. It will be Translation 2 from English into Catalan. I have to confess that I don't really like Catalan. I don't speak it in my daily life and last time I wrote something in Catalan was 8 years ago. That's why I make so many spelling mistakes. And that's the reason why I'm so nervous/worried -if I make a lot of these mistakes I will fail the exam although everything I say were right.
Besides, I cannot let me fail any exam because if I do it, I won't be able to go to London next year and that's like a dream come true, I have always wanted to go and study there.
So, I have to take a deep breath and say "Yes, I can!"
Besides, I cannot let me fail any exam because if I do it, I won't be able to go to London next year and that's like a dream come true, I have always wanted to go and study there.
So, I have to take a deep breath and say "Yes, I can!"
Exams time!
A bad day?
Yesterday was going to be a bad day.
I went to the school because I had class. When it finished, I had to go to return a book I bought because it had blank pages and after that the plan was walking around Barcelona to leave some resumes in shops to work this summer. Unfortunately, I came back home with all the resumes I had printed inside my folder and 40€ less inside my wallet because I stopped by the scrapbook shop and I couldn't help buying some stuff (super nice stamps!).
I was so frustrated! I didn't want to do anything that afternoon. I was watching TV when something remind me that I wanted to watch a movie that Kelly Purkey recommended in her blog: UP. I watched it online because here it isn't on yet. It's a very sweet and funny movie, I really like it.
I was feeling a little better, more positive and I decided to do some of my homework. I went to my room, sat on my chair, put all my paper on the table and when I took my pen to start writing, the neighbour's kids start shouting, they were having a party! I couldn't concetrate on what I had to do and my frustration was beginning to come up again.
I took a deep breath and I smiled, saying to myself that everything will be fine. I took my new stamps off their bag, I checked Kristina Werner's Color Inspiration and I started creating. But I couldn't finished the card I was making (I'll post it later) because my mum arrived and told me to go have dinner with her and go to the movies to watch Coco.
I loved the movie and I love Coco (I already loved her before watching that movie). Audrey Tautou does such a great job! I love both: Coco and Audrey. And if you like biographies I really recommend you to go watch this movie.
As a conclusion I just can say that I won, I didn't let my bad day to be that bad!
Have a nice weekend!
I went to the school because I had class. When it finished, I had to go to return a book I bought because it had blank pages and after that the plan was walking around Barcelona to leave some resumes in shops to work this summer. Unfortunately, I came back home with all the resumes I had printed inside my folder and 40€ less inside my wallet because I stopped by the scrapbook shop and I couldn't help buying some stuff (super nice stamps!).
I was so frustrated! I didn't want to do anything that afternoon. I was watching TV when something remind me that I wanted to watch a movie that Kelly Purkey recommended in her blog: UP. I watched it online because here it isn't on yet. It's a very sweet and funny movie, I really like it.
I was feeling a little better, more positive and I decided to do some of my homework. I went to my room, sat on my chair, put all my paper on the table and when I took my pen to start writing, the neighbour's kids start shouting, they were having a party! I couldn't concetrate on what I had to do and my frustration was beginning to come up again.
I took a deep breath and I smiled, saying to myself that everything will be fine. I took my new stamps off their bag, I checked Kristina Werner's Color Inspiration and I started creating. But I couldn't finished the card I was making (I'll post it later) because my mum arrived and told me to go have dinner with her and go to the movies to watch Coco.
I loved the movie and I love Coco (I already loved her before watching that movie). Audrey Tautou does such a great job! I love both: Coco and Audrey. And if you like biographies I really recommend you to go watch this movie.
As a conclusion I just can say that I won, I didn't let my bad day to be that bad!
Have a nice weekend!
Los Espias Espiados
Sus ojos estaban en los rincones más insospechados. Lo sabían todo, no había secretos para ellos. O eso pensaban. Un día vieron como imprimían en la portada del periódico algo que sólo habían visto ellos. ¿Cómo podía ser? En la misma página, en letra pequeña, ponía: “mira a tu alrededor, nunca estás tan solo como piensas”. No se creyeron nada de lo que estaban leyendo pero, por si aquello era verdad, se dispusieron a dar una vuelta completa. Al volver al frente, no podían cerrarse, estaban atónitos. Tenían a la mitad del pueblo tras ellos, ¿les habrían espiado todos los años que ellos llevaban espiando?
Juego de contrastes
Un domingo sin más
Sisí, hoy ha sido domingo, sin más.
Ha hecho sol? Sí, pero no lo he disfrutado, he estado en casa haciendo deberes.
Esta tarde, no tenía ganas de estudiar así que he hecho un cestito para poner todo lo que no sé donde poner.
No ha sido un domingo muy productivo... menos mal que ya se acaba!
Feliz semana!
Ha hecho sol? Sí, pero no lo he disfrutado, he estado en casa haciendo deberes.
Esta tarde, no tenía ganas de estudiar así que he hecho un cestito para poner todo lo que no sé donde poner.
No ha sido un domingo muy productivo... menos mal que ya se acaba!
Feliz semana!
El reverso de mi piel
Hoy, El Gris Chieri, la parte más joven de El Grup de Teatre El Gris, ha representado el musical El reverso de mi piel. Ellos solitos montaron un video para darse promoción:
Son unos pequeños grandes artistas. Pequeños por su edad pero grandes porque han conseguido llenar el teatro del colegio, ¡qué no es fácil! Os dejo unas cuantas fotos:
¡Felicidades Gris Chieri!
Son unos pequeños grandes artistas. Pequeños por su edad pero grandes porque han conseguido llenar el teatro del colegio, ¡qué no es fácil! Os dejo unas cuantas fotos:
¡Felicidades Gris Chieri!
Oració Impossible
Cap a la mitja tarda d’un especial i assolellat dia de primavera de fa ja uns anys, a la petita esglèsia del segle XVIII construïda pels seus avantpassats que, aquell dia, estava decorada amb les mateixes flors amb què estava fet el seu ram i ambientada amb exquisida música clàssica reproduïda per uns amics del seu futur marit; ella, la filla gran de la meva millor amiga de la infancia que feia més de deu anys que no veia –ja que es va haver d’exiliar a l’Argentina– , esperava allà, dreta, davant de tots els convidats, perfectament vestida i envoltada d’un halo de tranquilitat, que el seu promés, un jove arquitecte francés de renom i de bona familia amb qui havia estat sortint durant nou anys abans de decidir-se a donar aquest gran pas, digués si.
Últimos descubrimientos
He estado navegando de blog en blog y de web en web y gracias a Lisa Tilse he descubierto dos revistas australianas de moda infantil que me gustaron mucho:
- Smaller (blog)
- Papier Mache (blog)
Ambas tienen website y blog, las encontré bastante interesantes, originales y delicadas. Personalmente, creo que tanto estas revistas como el blog de Lisa Tilse pueden llegar a ser una buena fuente de inspiración.
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