
A new Journal

I'm not really busy these days so I take my time to finish projects. This is the last one I've finished: a journal.
I have started to make some others that I think I'll finished next week, and then I'll show them to you.

A lot of people is encouraging me to have my own online shop and I have to say that I'm thinking about it. It isn't a bad idea. I have no job right now so it could be a good way to earn some money. Thinking, thinking, seriously thinking about it.

Have a nice thursday!


Going back to the craft world :)

My mum's boss has become a grandpa and she has bought something for the babygirl but she needed a card, so I made it.

For the past days I've been feeling lazy. I have a lot of projects in mind but I don't feel like making them. My mind is continuously working and maybe that's what make me feel tired. My life is changing in an unexpected way: I accept it but I have to get used to it. As a solution, I'm going to take up my yoga classes again. I'll be starting in a few days and going twice a week. I'm excited, I just love to do yoga.

I just can say...

Do yoga, my friend!


Online magazines

I also wanted to share with you a couple of online magazine I found surfing on the net:

- ByFryd

- Sweet Paul Magazine

Proyectos en mente

Muchos días sin bloggear? Lo sé. Después de mis exámenes (todos aprobados, yay!), he pasado todo el tiempo posible con V. Hemos reído, llorado, gritado, echado siestas interminables, nadado, comido, paseado y arreglado cosas para la boda (ya tenemos fotógrafo!).

Cómo se presenta el verano? Pues, triste: no voy a poder pasarlo con V. He empezado a buscar trabajo, a ver si sale algo... pero tengo muchos proyectos en mente porque que haya estado sin escribir no quiere decir que haya dejado de visitar mis blogs preferidos en busca de inspiración. Os gustan los cojines? Parece que es lo que más me apetece hacer en estos momentos (quizás para decorar our new apartment).

En The Red Thread he encontrado estos pajaritos que si les das la vuelta bien pueden servir de almohada con su huequecito para el hombro para los que dormimos de lado.
Tenía más de otros blogs pero he perdido los enlaces. Cuando los encuentre, los subo. I promise!

Y si me lanzo a hacer alguno, os los enseñaré orgullosísima :)

Feliz semana!